Great Peoples

Falling aWAKE and Staying aSLEEP

I wish this title was completely acceptable for whenever you use these two phrases.  

One seems a little more reasonable than the other, but staying asleep in the morning might be everyone's favorite thing even if they don't realize it. That last hour of sleep you get in the morning before you wake up is so flippin' comfy - can't really get over how good a bed feels at that point. 

You could be sleeping on a steel grid and slice of Wonderbread and still feel this way, but unfortunately, there is that one small peep in the prime of REM sleep waking you while you are holding on to your dream you just lost making you start thinking and then you wake up...unbelievable.

So, then what, you get yourself together, get ready for work/school, arrive, and start your day. At one point or another, you almost doze off and face plant on a simple walk to the bathroom, over a conference call, or just blankly staring at your computer screen.  Don't lie.

Caffeine just makes me feel weird in general and I am not really trying to get addicted to adderall. What's a normal human to do?  

Real life situations that could maybe resolve this: 

You're helping a customer/co-worker - So, I have a problem with this account and it looks like you are managing it, right?"

- "Hey, this is pretty easy to resolve, but let me go ahead and take a quick power nap and I'll get it done much faster, more efficiently, and feel much better when I wake up. Go ahead and get some coffee - I'll be right here, wake me up at, ummmm, 11:43. Perfect, see you soon."

You're in class - "After you finish reading this passage, go ahead and write a 2 page response as to why you thought the antagonist was such a vital role in the success of the protagonist at the climax of the story."

- "Yeah, that sounds great, I'll wait until you read that and discuss for a while and we'll go from there, let me get my head back on the desk to re-red my head, you understand."

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